June 7, 2016March 18, 2023

Zakat – One of the Great Pillars of Islam

Zakat – One of the Great Pillars of Islam

$ 18000

Campaign Target


5%$ 16964 to go

Zakat – The Fourth Pillar of Islam

Zakat is also known as almsgiving is the 4th pillar the foundation of Islam is based. It is not only a requirement in Islam and is a requirement for everyone Muslims to donate in the name that is recommended by Allah (SWT) as well as aid those in need. Zakat is the act of taking a piece of the wealth Allah (SWT) granted you and distributing it to those less fortunate as you.

In all ways and for all purposes, Zakah is a ‘purification of wealth’. It purifies the wealth of the individual, it instills compassion, generosity and affection in people who are giving it to, and helps to prevent the person from being greedy and naive. The faith of Islam is founded upon helping your siblings and brothers by giving back to the community instead of hoarding your money for yourself. Giving back to charity is an essential aspect of being a decent Muslim.

It is vital to understand that Zakat differs from almsgiving that is voluntary (Sadaqah) due to the fact that Zakat is a requirement for all capable Muslim While Sadaqah is offered on a totally voluntary basis.

Allah (SWT) is the one who has placed importance upon Zakaat in His Book, the Holy Quran and has mentioned it 70 times. This highlights the importance of offering Zakat in the regards of Allah (SWT) and aiding those in need. If one views Salah as an act of worship which is performed physically Zakat is an act of worship performed with financial resources.

And We made them the Imams who guided (people) under Our command, and We inspired them to do good deeds and to establish Salāh and pay Zakāh, and Us alone they worshipped. (21:73)

Zakat gives 2.5 percent of your assets and wealth to the needy. It is mandatory for any Muslim who has at least the amount of their Nisaab (the minimal amount) for at least one year. It is the amount that you pay in Zakat (see: Zakat Calculator) is dependent depending on the various types of items held by the individual e.g., gold, silver, cash, property, livestock etc. The money is due every year after a year’s worth of procession.

Your Zakat will be in the hands of the eligible people

Giving Zakat can bring unending benefits in the form of blessings and rewards from Allah (SWT) and not only in this world, but also the afterlife too. It serves as a reminder that all wealth is derived directly from Allah (SWT) as it is the property of Allah (SWT) as we’re only recipients of His gifts. The majority of wealth is one that was pre-determined to be given by Allah (SWT) for Him to distribute to the needy. It is true that Allah (SWT) doesn’t require Zakat. He isn’t dependent on anything. And, in turn, we are the ones that require Allah’s (SWT) blessings and provisions.

The aim for Zakat is to ensure the balance of society by dispersing the wealth of the wealthy and utilizing it to assist the poor and make their lives easier in the world. Therefore, it is our moral obligation as Muslims to do all possible to the people who require it, and to help as many that we are able to!

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